Wednesday, May 21, 2008

coming closer to answering my question

After interviewing a number of people i came to the conclusion that homosexuality can also be based on your beliefs. Many god fearing people believe that women was created to be with man and vice versa, and that's the way it suppose to be. Many other people don't think that way. In an interview that i conducted with D. Savage she stated that "I don't think its something you can learn i think its just the way you are created". As our conversation continued it came obvious that she strongly believe that homosexuality is genetic that is not something that can be learned. Either your gay or your not and as far as D. Savage is concerned you can not learn how to feel its come naturally.
I also had an interview with S. Salters and she believe that homosexuality is a learned behavior and that it is very wrong. She Said that god didn't make men to be with women. People are not born to be gay it is the thing that they are around and the thing that they are exposed to. She also stated that "Gay marriage is wrong and it should not be legal". According to her gay people should keep there homosexuality to theirself, it should not be shared with the world because its wrong. By allowing gay marriages we are encouraging young kids to be like that, and we are telling them that it is the right thing to do and its not.


Briana said...

i see your really looking hard to find your answer thats good, alot of ummmm.... graphic man on man and girl on girl kissin pics on here ewww!!! but hey do your thing!!!

Anonymous said...

You have very good research and good graphics. I believe that gay marriage should be legal.You can't help the people you love and they shouldn't be judged.

Rena Porter said...

I just found your blog, but would be interested reading or seeing the research.

The answer to the question: is
homosexuality learned?

If homosexuality is learned then
heterosexuality can be taught to
stop "being a heterosexual" and
be taught to be homosexual.

I've asked students if they thought
I could teach them to stop being
straight and learn to be homosexual.


Ask the question; can we teach straight people to be gay?
