Sunday, February 10, 2008


Chapter 8 - Chapter 9

Sirron and Nekole got busted. To really make a long story short the detective had Sirrons flesh in the victums teeth from when he bit Sirron. The detective got Sirron to crack and show his love for Nekole. He told him that he was going put Nekole in jail, and thats when he confesed to everything, and he also made sure he said that Nekole had no idea was going on. I think that was so sweet he gave up his freedom for the love of his life. Now on the flip side Nekole is a dirty trick lack of a better word. Once she was let go she left Sirron to rot in jail, and she ran away from all her problem. Even though she was just protecting her life i believe that she was wrong. That just ruined all the thoughts of bonnie n clyde that i had when i first started reading the book.

Do you think she was wrong for just leaving him, or do u think a girl gotta do wat a girl gotta do?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

This story sounds really good. I think the girl was wrong for just leting him rot in jail even though he took the rap for her. This kind of remind me of this book i was reading and the girl left her boyfriend in jail just because she thought he was cheating on her. The crazy part about was that she dident even confront him,she just stoped visiting and stop accepting his calls. He did so much for her and she let him rot for 15 years. But when he got out he tryed to kill her.