Wednesday, December 19, 2007

cont: from the expectations question....

my expectations of this book was.......... Raw, uncut, drama etc......... thats what i thought it was going to be but it wasn't all like that it was little........ i mean there was a little scandal stories in there but not like how i wanted it 2 be...... you know the type of stories where your reaction is like "OMG thats messed up" or "That book was good as ever!!!" you know books like that i thought it was like that but it wasnt...i expected different :-(

If you coul ask any character a question what might it be???

If i can ask any character a question it would be josey. I would ask her what in the world was she thinking have intercourse with all them people in that public place. hHow can you o all that without even thinking twice about your dude. IS YOU STUPID!!!!!!!! Yea you knew that your dude had something to do with whats goin on but did you really think he would enjoying haveing you do all this unspeakable thing with strangers, and on top of that u did resist nor did you bother to use any type of protection you didnt know none of those people. Maybe if you have stop and thought about what was going on and what you was doin you would have probably made a good decision with your and instead of the dumb decision you made. Wasnt you worried at all about your reputation im mean because where im from you would be labeled as a big time H*&!! You is just a disgrace, hope you having a little fun on your birthday was worth you losing the love of your life.

Did you dislike this book?

I really dont like how the book ends so in other words i dislike it because of its ending. It really didnt catch my attention as it did in the beginnig of the book which disappoints me alot. I hate books like that UGH!!!!!!!!@!!! but other than that i would say its a pretty fair book. I just dont like the ending it sucks big time!! idk im "ify" on the book.

Did you feel that the book fulfilled your epectations???? Where you disappointed????

This was he first zane book that i have actually read. I have herd alot but havent experienced read any of her books untill this one. It was definalty what i expected, but i was a little disappointed in some of the chapters. Zane's books are known for being wild and outrageous every chapter and every page. There were some chapters that were really dull like not something that someone would associate to her usually work. It really wasnt a problem because it was only like 2 chapters, but i was just a little suprised that her writing could get so boring that i want to skip off to the next chapter. For the most part the book kept hold of my attention. It mad me wonder about what was go happen next, what was the characters think, and what would i do if i was in the same situation as them.

Supreme C.

If you could ask any character a question, What might that be?

Will i would ask Zya the main character When her boyfriend went to jail why diden't she ask him who the other girl was that came and visit him instead of jumping to conclusions thinking that he was cheating and just left him like that in jail? She never even answer none of his calls or even went back to visit him anymore after she seen the girl who turned out to be his cousin. After 5 years of him being locked up. I feel she was doing him dirty because when he wasent locked up he did everything for her all she had to do was collect money and lay on her back. She could of atless spoke upon to him.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monster, By Walter Dean Myers

Who might like this book?
I think people who have been in the same kind of trouble as the character in this story would most likely be more drawn to the book because they can relate more to it,because the boy in the book is in trouble with the law and is put in jail so he starts writing about his life in prison but he writes like its a screen play. Also i think people my age or older would be vary interested in this book, Because of the way he wrote the book its different something new something we are not use to reading all the time. I think the book is very good i like the authors style of writing. Walter Dean Myers is very good i read another book from him called Street Love that was a very good book as well.

Did you feel that the book fulfilled your expectations??? Were you disappointed???

Honestly I thought different of my book i thought is was going to be kind of corny and not interesting just from the cover, but I cant always think that of books especially this one.This book made me think otherwise because of how the characters changed in many ways. Like Coltrane and Jonathan, now those two defintely changed alot. One minute they play the good guys next mintue they play the tough role........Its confusing i really dont like how they keep switching, but yet it makes the book very interesting for me and keeps me wondering and guessing what happens next

Monday, December 17, 2007

do you think the characters are real and beliveable

In this book the characters dont seem real and then sometimes they do. The feelings and the toughts of the characters seem real. I think everone once in a while have perverted thoughts about someone or even thoughts of hatered. I know that i have had them once in a while. Or maybe someone walk by or is around me i would probably think i my head oh he's cute or something like that. Then on the other hand the action they make on those feelings are so unrealistic. I have never heard of anyone sleepin with there daed husbands mistresses(5) as an oppurtunity to get a peice of there husband back. Yea everyone has sex, and some people are even nastier than nasty, but the things these people do in this story is just rediculous. I would see if the wild things the characters were doing were simply but they arent. they are just outrageous and to the extreme, but it ok because that what makes the story a great story.

Friday, December 14, 2007

how do characters change or evolve throughout the cours of the story?

The are many characteres in my book. I think you would really have to read my book to understand how the characters actually change. Although i am reading one book each chapter is a different storie. So its not the same people thoughout the whole book and in ech storie there are aleast two main characters. Many of these characters go through different things in each storie but it is still manly focused one one subjct at hand and that is the intimate relations that they share with there partner(s).


Well the characters in M.V.P change alot especially from their childhood. For example Coltrane use 2 be a fat, chunky boy who is rude and always is about his money or always wanting to get his money, but thata was when he was in high school. Since I ahve been reading up on him things have difiitely change personality wise. He's no long rude and always wanting some girl to sleep with him or wanted to stay on his job about getting money. he's kind of the laid back kind of guy now. I guess it was time to make a change due his father dying. Maybe thats what change his ways.........But then there is Jonathan Parker.......NOW he has really been through a change....... at first he was into the comic books and fantasies stories, but then those days stopped because he felt like his father wasn't paying attetion to him. You see his father was more into his "Law Firm Work" more than his family, which in the story is true because his father was all about his work and even Jonathan's mother told his father that he needs to spend time with his son. In my case His mother did the right thing by telling him that his son needs him......Kids and family come first before anything I say.......

Supreme Clientele

Do the Character seem real and believable?

In this story everything sound real because it's a story based of somthing that happens everyday in life. Storys that seems real are the best storys i think because it's so easy for a person to just get in his or her own world and get lost in the story,to the point when they don't want to put the book down. Supreme Clientele is a book with drama and love.Their is also situations between life and death.Their where some cold hearted characters in the story just like some people in the real life.The type of peolple who dont care about anybody or anything but $MONEY$$$.Dollars and drugs is what everyones life is based on. If people will look outside the world today you will see the same exact thing. People going to jail only because of money or drugs,Peolple are also dieing and why? Because some type of involment with money or drugs which takes over a lot of people minds when they have alot thats the real promblem. It just depends on how you flash it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Allure of the West

<i>Into the Wild</i>, Jon Krakauer, pgs 144-207 (end)
<i>Death of a Salesman</i>, Arthur Miller, pgs 1-97

So, I finished <i>Into the Wild</i> and started rereading a book that I'm studying with my AP Literature class.  As I read the first act of the play I was struck by the similarity between Chris McCandless and many of the characters from <i>Death of a Salesman</i>.  The main character of this story, Willy Loman frets over a missed opportunity to accompany his older brother to Alaska to make money. Instead he is 60 and stuck in a dead end sales job.  Interestingly enough, Willy's father abandoned <i>him</i> as a child to also seek fortune in Alaska.  In a weird twist, Willy is disappointed in his son Biff because he is constantly seeking work outside of the norm of the day.  He's worked on cattle farms and other jobs that Willy does not respect.  Biff explains that he likes these jobs because he's not stuck inside at a desk and can be out in the open air.

In American culture the west has always been symbolic of the open frontier, a vast unexplored wilderness where a man could make his living outside of the realm of laws and societal constraints.  It's interesting that these two books, written 50 years apart, have such similar themes.

Does anyone else know of any characters who seek a life outside of society?  Anyone have a friend or family member who constantly wants to go out on the open road?  What do you think drives a person to feel like this?

<b>Dear Blogger:</b>  This is not a spam post.  I am mailing to publish this on all of my student's blogs in order to provide a sample and to engage in discussions.  Please call off the spambots.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

supreme Clientele


The ending to this book was a very nice ending. it was also suprising because after everything zya did and went thruogh she never even went to jail and she dident snitch on Amari the person everyone was looking for, the biggest drug dealer of theme all a women. Zya had a choose to make either snicth on her partner Amari drug operation or save herself from going to jail. In court She said she dident even no who amari was, So Amari was free while zya had life in prison. The surprising part was that when Zya was on the bus on her way up state Amari had a plane and blow up the bus and some how got her out. Amari also manage to get zya boyfriend out of jail by having him get stabed on purpose and when they took him to the hospital they snuck him out. At the end Zya had a baby and her and snow her boyfriend moved in a little town in jamacia with their false idenity.

Supreme Clientele

Who might like this book?
I think people who like authors Zane, Terry Woods,and sister souljah which are my favorite authors will love to read this book. this books are mainly about the real life and what really go down in New York, and the Bronxs and in New Jersey.I enjoys these type of books because they interest me. and somtimes the storys be true. Its like i can really amagain whats going on. i also love reading these type of books because somtimes i can relate or want to be like a certain character,and for people who like making money and drama books theses type are the perfect books. You would just read and read tell the point you dont want to put the book down because you want to see what happens thing you no it you already finished the book and is looking for the next series.Most female will enjoy this book.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Supreme Clientele

Why did you like this book?
Supreme Clientele is a real book it speaks the truth due to the way people choose to live.I also like this book because the main character in the story zya was so stronge through out the whole thing even though money and power got to her head, she did what she had to do.In the story She had decidsions that was a matter of life and death to can be very powerful she wanted to kill her best friend for snitching on her instead of trying to help her because her best friend had a drug promblem and had HIV.This book also have a moral to the story and to me it's never jump to conclusions and do what you think is right without really knowing.I say that because thats where Zya messsed up at she betrayed her man while he was in jail for 5 years all because she seen another female visting hem. She diden't ask any questions she just took matters into her own hands and did what she wanted to do which got her in a lot of trouble.Comes to find out the girl was his cousine.She got cought up in murder charges and lost alot of her close friends because of her actions.

Friday, December 7, 2007

M.V.P by Jihad

Omg!!! things are starting to get good with my book, well not for some characters......but ne ways.....right now things are going back in time on Jonathan parker and his family. Jonathan has a sister named Karen Parker who is fifteen at the time discovering boys. If i haven't told you but Karen and Jonathan are white(no offense to my caucasion race love u guys 2!!!!) but yeah their white and this whole book takes place in the ATL or in otha words Atlanta,Georgia 1980s-1990s, but umm yeah her parents dont approve with the "interracial" dating thingy yeah that. She starts falling for this guy named James and soon becomes pregnanted by james(the black guy)!!!!!!! to be continued...........

Supreme Clientele, Ashley & Jaquavis

Chapter 5
Zya was making more money then she ever could amagain by working in the resturant where she started saleing her product to the cubans who just give her $500 tips. now just think what they spend on her product. At this time Zya has been saving up her money and her best friend vita who was a drug addict played her and had her boyfriend rob her because vita was the only girl who new where zya kept everything and she never would of thought her best frined would turn her back on her like that. Although Zya diden't no what was going on with her addiction but zya wanted to kill her.

Chocolate Flava, Zane; Pages 34- 40

This part of my book is about a women who loses her husband so she blames his bestfriend. Tasha and Steve was married for going on ten year and had a 7yr old son toghether. While Tasha stayed at home and took care od the house Steve worked as a police officer. Him and His partener jake ( bestfriend since the seventh grade) always made a pact that if something happened that the would call ttasha in the next hour t let her no that they both were ok. One day while tahsa was watching tv she turned on the new to hear about a police officer being shot an hurt but no name was desclosed. A couple hours later her husbands partner jake was at the door to deliver the terrifyng news that Steve had been shot and he died on the sence. She became felled with rage she ouldnt belve that the love of her life was gone and that she would never see him again. She needed some one to blame and jake was the only person and the room so she turned all her rage on him. "How could you let him get killed? Where were you when he needed you?" She sceamed while scratching him in his face making him bleed. His was so hurt that she would accuse him of leting his bestfriend for several years die she hurted his heart more than she could even imagine. " Honey please calm down yor upset and angry......." befor he could finish his sentece his was hit with an unexpected slap to the face. " dont you honey me! dont you ever call me that again! You get out! I dnt ever want to see your white a@* again" she screamed whie kicking him out er huse. She was so hurt sh nearly lost her mind the man she thought she would spend the rest oof her life with is now gone.
Well my book is called M.V.P ( Money.Vengence.Power). The author of this book Jihad.
Well there are two fellas named Jonathan Parker and Coltran Jones. In the book they are best of friends and are also "Business" partners. They have both ben thru some ups and downs with family members, friends and the streets.
Now Coltrane is an upcoming"street Pharmacist" who soon is locked up for Control of substances and distribution. He needs help from anybody to get out of jail. Well thats when superhero Jonathan comes along and saves the day, but Jonathan tells Coltrane to do something that no one ever does and ths snitch. If he does his name will be cleared and all charges will be dropped. Personally i don't know what i would do. I would fine this to be a difficult decision to make

Supreme Clientele

My book is called Supreme Clientele By Ashley&Jaquavi This book is about a women point of veiw with the hard life,and making money the best way they no how. The main character in the story Zya who had a thuged out boy friend and all he did was sale drugs. All she had to do was sit back and collect her money and go shopping. But when he got locked up the tables turned and she couldent just sit back anymore she had to find away to make money and not just any money but fast money. Thats what she did somthing people think is a men job and people was so suprise because she did it faster and better then the big top drug dealers in the world. Zyawas put down a couple of times because she was a women but she did not let that stop her.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer Pages: 1-144

So, the book I'm reading is about this early twenty something kid who
is pretty alienated. It's a nonfiction book, and since I haven't
summed it up yet in a previous response, it's about a kid who is
searching for meaning in life and seeks this meaning by exploring.
At the beginning of the book we find out that he ends up dying in the
middle of Alaska to exposure.

Even though I think I'm supposed to, I'm having a really hard time
identifying with the main character, Chris McCandless. I look at
the cover and there's this picture of Emile Hirsch portraying
McCandless. He's a good looking kid, and he's kind of sitting in this
"top of the world" type dominant pose. The author seems to really
identify with the character, and spends a couple of chapters relating
his own similar experiences. And McCandless is seemingly the rugged,
individualistic antihero that Americans celebrate.

But, I can't get into him, and I think it's because I'm a parent
now. I see the way this kid abandoned his parents, went off into the
middle of nowhere, took chances, didn't write home, and espoused his
theories on the way life works to whomever would listen, and I'm
like, " your mom, dad and sister. They're worried sick."
The kid is kind of portrayed as this spiritual, deep Thoreau quoting
prophetic figure, but he just strikes me as naive and self centered.
I don't know what I'd do if I was his parent. I would be devastated
if my son took off after graduating college and just disappeared.
It's really rather sad.

(By the way, if you're wondering, this response is to the 7th bullet
under character. The total length of this response is 279 words. I
summed up the book to start because I figured you'd need that
information, but then I really tried to stick to talking about
whether or not I identified with the main character and why.)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My book is called chocolate flava by zane. In my book each chapter is a new story. My book is mianly about different sexual experiences that different people may have had. These stories also tell how peoples attitude toward sex really is. Its weird because the book actually puts you in the mind of the chacracters and how they feel.
What i like about this book is that it puts you in the minds of the characters. It makes me feel like im in the room with them following there every step, and you never know what will happen. I mean a very good situation can go bad in just a couple of sentences to where you would have to go back and read it over. It holds my interst. I dont like the fact that they have same sex relation between girls that rally dont do nothing but make me sick to myy stomach like foreal. Other than that the book it really good and i cant wait to read part two lol.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Your 1st Post!

Today in class we will be posting to our blogs. To keep things simple, this
first post will be a kind of introductory thing. Here's what I'd like each
of you to write (make sure it is under your own display name):

1. In 2-3 sentences, give us a taste of the book. What is the title? Who
is the author? What is the "gist"? (It's about a girl who...)
2. In a separate paragraph of 2-3 sentences, finish this sentence: One
thing I like (or don't like) about the book so far is...