Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why is it hard to SAY Goodbye??

"It's hard to Say Goodbye"

Well now I'm on my serious most important question and that is to all victims "Why is it so hard to just up and leave?" is it because of love or is just because you seem to feel stuck in the relationship and can't leave? I personally don't know and I would surely like to know. Well my theory on this is that women fell to realize that you don't have to be in that predicament and that honestly you can do good by yourself. Sometimes you don't really need a man especially whose beating you and verbally saying mean things about you. That I feel no woman should deserve that type of person. We as woman should be treated like Nubian queens and not like animals or some type of rag doll. We should be appreciated because we give birth to humans to keep the population alive, now I'm not saying that we don't need men of course we do!! they help with populating too!!! But any who......We should have someone who is kind, loving, and will respect us in any form or fashion.

"When in a serious relationship and in love with someone, if the relationship falters and you are not receiving the love that you deserve, you will most probably reach a point of wanting to end the relationship. There are two ways of saying “goodbye”, a real one and a false one. It is imperative to understand both “goodbyes”, separating the two and decide which one inevitably is the correct one to choose. Unfortunately, a majority of people will incorrectly choose the “false” goodbye. This can lead to emotional distress, depression, frustration and prolong the helpless feelings of a broken heart. A false goodbye will cause an unhealthy relationship to drag on needlessly. Let us take a look at the vast difference of false goodbyes and real ones. It is then that you may see that taking the road of a real goodbye can save you so much additional pain." written by Alisa Chagnon

I truly agree with what Alisa, there is two ways of saying goodbye. For example when breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend you
say " I think its time we say our goodbyes" I can now say I relate in this case(not in the abusive part) I was in a relationship with someone and I felt as though things weren't working out with each other and my response to saying good bye was "its over, i wanna say goodbye to you" but unfortunately My response was false indeed because I felt like between me and my partner it wasn't over. I mean we still have feelings for each other but I in reality we never made it official in saying the real "Goodbye" to each other. So yes I have been one of those people who have said my goodbye the wrong way and I'm pretty sure everyone else has done the same too. The point that I'm getting to is that the victim of the relationship feels as though that if he/she leaves their abuser will either try to kill them or do something to harm them. Basically threaten them into staying, which of course the victim will automactically stay with them and not want them to become harm. Mostly likely the abuser would probably say "if you know whats best for you then you would stay." When saying that the victim has no choice in but to stay because they feel very threatened and want to keep themselves alive.

1 comment:

mizz. n'asia said...

I just wanted to give my opinion to what you were saying. I beliv that it is really hard to get out of a abusive relationship because of the love. Many men that are abusive to women are not like that at the begining of the relationship they usually act that way towards the middle or after a long period of time. So by the time you then got tired of the abuse you really cant leave because its hard to leave some one you love no matter how bad they treat you.