Friday, December 14, 2007


Well the characters in M.V.P change alot especially from their childhood. For example Coltrane use 2 be a fat, chunky boy who is rude and always is about his money or always wanting to get his money, but thata was when he was in high school. Since I ahve been reading up on him things have difiitely change personality wise. He's no long rude and always wanting some girl to sleep with him or wanted to stay on his job about getting money. he's kind of the laid back kind of guy now. I guess it was time to make a change due his father dying. Maybe thats what change his ways.........But then there is Jonathan Parker.......NOW he has really been through a change....... at first he was into the comic books and fantasies stories, but then those days stopped because he felt like his father wasn't paying attetion to him. You see his father was more into his "Law Firm Work" more than his family, which in the story is true because his father was all about his work and even Jonathan's mother told his father that he needs to spend time with his son. In my case His mother did the right thing by telling him that his son needs him......Kids and family come first before anything I say.......

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Briana, I agree. So, the loss of the father changed Coltrane for the better. How did Jonathan's behavior change as a result of his dad's not being there?