Friday, December 14, 2007

how do characters change or evolve throughout the cours of the story?

The are many characteres in my book. I think you would really have to read my book to understand how the characters actually change. Although i am reading one book each chapter is a different storie. So its not the same people thoughout the whole book and in ech storie there are aleast two main characters. Many of these characters go through different things in each storie but it is still manly focused one one subjct at hand and that is the intimate relations that they share with there partner(s).

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Which, thankfully, we decided to de emphasize for the blogs, lol. Hey, do any characters repeat themselves? Or, can you provide one example of a character changing as a result of the events in a story?

Lastly, if you can't answer a question, you may want to choose a different option from the response bin.