Friday, April 18, 2008

Homosexuality before the search!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homosexuality is a very intersting topic to me. I know very little about homosexuality, but that is why i decided to choose it for my project. I know alot of homosexual people male and female, and i always wondered what makes them this way? Is it just a game to them or are they really like that? These are the questions i plan on finding the answers to in my research. A big question that i really wanna know is whether homosexuality a learned behavior or can it be genetic? The reason i ask this question is because i have seen teenagers who are like really gay and comfortable with themselves and then on the other hand their parents have the biggest case of homophobia i have ever seen. Thats really weird to me because if they grow up in a strict non- homosexual environment then how did they become like that. Obviously it not a learned behavior so where did these actions come from????? It must be genetic but how can it be genetic? If something is genetic that means it came from birth and it is a trait of either the mother or father. Its unexplainable.
Now it may just be possible for it to be a learned behavior because if thats all yor around then thats all you know. There are so many unanswered questions to this topic.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

will to me Its somthing that the person is comfortable with. because there are familys that dont have homosexual members but your son or daughter is its somthing thtas been on there mind for a long time and they had to settle and de more comfortable and other people can be comfortable also.There are also people who do not exsect that which i feel is stupid because you are still the same person.