Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rachel's Essential Question Introduction

I first became interested in nontraditional relationships with parents when I was about 7 years old. my mother came over to my grandmother house to visit me and my sisters and brother, we really never really got to spend alot of time with are parents.My grandmother was always momma. i was so excited to see her because it's been a long time since the last time. I called her mommy and she stoped everything she was doing and told me, No its linna don't call me mommy.From that day on i never called her mommy, and I diden't understand why. I diden't no if I hurted her by calling her that or if I disrespected her in some kind of way. I understand if the child choose not to call there parents mommy or daddy because they wasent really in there life, But when the child want to call there parents regardless of the situation I feel that the parent should be happy there kids no who there mom and dad are. They should be thankful.

This topic is somthing to think about because there are some effects that the children has as they get older. There has been times when I don't even Claim my mother because It feels like she don't even claim me, because of the fact that she didn't want me or my sisters and brothers Mommy.I used to tell everyone my grandmother is my mother who really was the one that was always there.Situations like these cause heart pain to some people because as time go by and you really think about it and you realized that you and your mother never had a mother daughter conversation. You don't even talk, everything that is said is negative and that hurts because you can't even look at the person that brought you in this world the way you want too. when i look at my mother i don't see a mom a see a lady, and for someone to feel that way about there mother is wronge,and for so many years.Nontradititional relationships can bring a very big seperation with your parents. There are diffrent affects with diffrent people so im asking you "How do nontraditional relationship with parents affects their children?

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