Wednesday, April 23, 2008

im finally startn my search to help children

Hey i am finally starting my search. I went to and type in birth control and a lot of information there are so many birth control the young teenagers can get on . Instead of been a teen mother i think the year of 2007/08 is a high year a pregnancy from young teenager having unprotected sex. Where they could be introduce to birth control and all of this could be prevented. here are some of the birth control the young teenagers can be introduce to
1)The IUD. The letters "IUD" stand for "intrauterine device." Is very small. It is surgically placed into the female uterus. There are 2 forms of IDU'S tho. "IUDs work by preventing an egg from being fertilized, scientists are not exactly sure how this happens." but there is theories behind it:
* It affects the way the sperm or egg moves
* Substances released by the IUD immobilize sperm
* It moves the egg through the fallopian tube too fast to be fertilized.
The copper in the "ParaGard adds to the effectiveness of the IUD in other ways." It affects the lining of the uterus by not allowing an "egg to implant and it stimulates the production of prostaglandins chemicals that affect the hormones needed to support a pregnancy." "The ParaGard can be a long-term method that may be left in for 8 years."
The "Progestasert IUD prevents pregnancy by releasing the hormone progestin which thickens the cervical mucus." This prevent sperm from entering the uterus. 'The Progestasert also affects the lining of the uterus to prevent an egg from being implanted." But because of the "hormonal component of the Progestasert it must be replaced yearly." The rate of women getting pregnant using the "ParaGard is 0.8% and the women using Progestasert the rate is 2%." The IUD's DO NOT PROTECT U FROM (STI OR STD) SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS. Also if you are planning to have children in the future they DO NOT recommend you to use eaithe 1 of the IUD's. You still reciece your period with the IUD.

2)Birth Control Pills. Personally I take the pill right now so I wont have a mistake and get pregnant. so far I like the pill, the only thing is i have to remember to take the pill every morning. I also like it because my periods are very light and i barley have camps. I really wouldn't recommend this if your not responsible., because if you miss a day or two you will have more then on period that month and your cycle will be messed up until you get back right with the pills. you can even bleed for a whole month. so if your not responsible DO NOT USE THIS METHOD. The pill have been being used by females for 40 years. But it has been around "in the US since 1960.' The birth control pill due "include 2 hormones called estrogen and progesterone." These hormones are "synthetic versions of naturally occurring female hormones." But with BCP you have 2 options to choose from which is the 28 day pill packs which contain 3 weeks of active hormone pills and 1 week placebo pills and the 21 day pill packs which contain 3 weeks of active hormone pills only. You have your period after you finish taking your active pills. which is nice because you know exactly when your period is suppose to come. Birth control pills are "98 to 99% effective". The pills also DO NOT protect you from STD's or STI's.

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