Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Final Reflaction of Non-Traditional Relationships

I have learned alot of interresting things during my research of Non-traditional Relationships with parents and there children. I have listened to diffrent people point of veiws, and listened to different situations.After this long process of research i have been looking for the answer to one question and thats, What are the affects to a child when there relationship with their parents is NON-TRADITIONAL?

I Rachel Briggs have been in a non-traditional relationship with my mother for 19 years. She never was the mother type,You know the type of mother to sit down and tell you whats right and whats wrong,or someone to just talk to you about positive things period. How can she teach me anything and all she was doing was staying in trouble.Everything i have learned i learnded from my grandmother.My mother was the rude type she didn't care about what she said to anybody even her own kids.She didn't even want her own children to call her mommy. Now when I was younger she left me comfused and motherless, I felt as if i wasn't wanted and the best thing she ever did to me was gave us up to my grandmother.
One of the people that I interveiwed was my older brother javele, who feel like he just diden't care about her or the situation.He said why should he even bother to care when my own mother don't care about me.Javele is at the point where he can't stand the ground she walks on which is very stronge.My brother and I have diffrent feelings about are mother.Me on the other hand love her and respect her, there is a connection now between us just not as stronge as it should be. My brother wont even speak to her when he is in her presence.

As for all these young girls having babys right now please take this in consideration,Always be in your baby life no matter what happens because the worst feeling in the world is looking at your child when there old enough to be on there own and they can't even look at you as a real mother or father.I have seen a movie called little black girl lost which remained me of my mother.In the movie the little was not aload to call her mother mommy but by her first name.Her mother was the type of women who choose a man over her child.One day ther mother boyfriend rapped the little girl and when she tryed to tell her mother what happened she didn't beleave her.And I thought to myself how can a perso ever do somthing like that, as a women how can you not listen to your child,but some man.The answer is that there is women out there who have low selfesteem and all they want is someone who show theme some attention so they would do anything for that man just so he can stay around which is just pittiful.As the little girl grew up she didn't care much about her self.She figgured if the women who brought me in this world don't care about me why should I.She stared doing drugs and saleing her body.At the end of the movie she was sent to jail for life for killing her mother boyfriend.

Non-traditional relationships can have dangrouse effects on the child they can grow up hateing the world or killing people,or even killing thereselfs.but its not like that with everyone, some peolple just deal with it and never be like there mother or father like me.You have to be better than that person because why would you want your kids to go through the same thing you have been through or feel the terrible things you felt.

1 comment:

Rena Porter said...

What are the affects to a child when there relationship with their parents is NON-TRADITIONAL?

Hey Rachel Briggs, thanks for posting your experience in the public. I too am researching this area.

I just found your blog but appreciate that you're out there searching.

Tell me more about how your search has lead you to where you are today?

Are you seeing a professional, are you in contact w/ any biological family.

What would you like to get out of a relationship in the future?
