Friday, May 16, 2008

A Teenager Point Of View

I finally got a teenagers point of view on birth control. I asked 3 teenagers one which has a child and one that has been in a relationship with there boyfriend fro 5 years and the last one which has no child of boyfriend just friends.

The first teenager I interviewed her name is Alisha she is 20 she has a baby. A baby girl name Ja'Niyah she so pretty she is 4. Alisha told me she was never "told or introduce in to birth control when she was younger." she say " she don't regret having Ja'Niyah" but she would of been more happier if she was on birth control, because she didn't get a chance to party, travel of explore the world she sill can but it would be very expensive. She told me " wait to think about having a baby". She said "it is very expensive to have a baby". when she want she cant get she have to buy her baby girl. When she want them new J's she can't get them she got to buy Ja'Niyah them. But i do respect her though how well she take care of Ja'Niyah . She's not the type of parent that let her daughter go without. Some parents out here will buy there self's the latest fashion and let there children got without.

The second teenagers i interviewed her name is Janay she been in a relationship for 5 years with a guy name Anthony . I asked Janay how has birth control impact her life. She told me she loves the fact that she knew about birth control. she said " her and her boyfriend has been in so many situation where she could of ended up pregnant from the condom breaking. " But she was very lucky that the didn't get pregnant the birth control protected her. she then said to me " her and Anthony isn't ready for children they like the life they are living rite now they can go out and explore the world they can party and not have to worry about having to find a baby sitter. She did say that "her and Anthony would like to have a baby in the future but just not rite now" But Janay do like the fact that she is taking birth control.

Now the last in final teenager I interviewed her name was Aaliyiah she doesn't have a boyfriend. She just have friends. But she does take birth control . So i started to ask her are you happy that your parents introduce you in to birth control? She said to me ''I am the one that told my parents i want to be on birth control" i asked her how did your parents feel about you wanting to be on birth control? She said " they didn't like it at first but then they started to respect it because they knew i was growing up and i need to be protected some other way then condoms" ''because condoms do break sometimes plus they are not a 100% anymore". Aaliyiah said to me that she "would of had a baby by now because condoms broke on her a couple time"

From interviewing these teenagers it kind of seem like they have the same point of view just like my family members the only difference is that they didn't mention anything about the disease ratio. Would rise in the younger generation for the young and dumb one's that think they aren't pose to rap it up just because they are take birth control.

Johnson, Alisha. "Personal Interview." 05/16/2008 21 May 2008
Dade, Janay. "Personal Interview." 05/16/2008 21 May 2008
Marie, Aaliyah. "Personal Interview." 05/16/2008 21 May 2008

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