Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Non-Traditionals Relationships,Some affects of the Child

In situations like these they can be very seriouse. I have watched movies and read magazines about the way some people grew up and there mother and father was not always around,or never did the things that mothers and fathers should do with there child.This is 1 of the reasons why young teens are locked up or even died because they go out looking for attention on the street because they don't get it at home.For example my little cusine tyrone is 15 years old his parents where not in his life like they should have been.He moved with his grandmother looking for that love his parents never gave him and comes to find out his grandmother is on drugs. Now he is a young boy he wants the finer things in life, he wants to have the new j's that come out,he wants what his friend have.But he cant get it because his grandmother is taking all his money ana smoking it up.So who do you think he turns to at the age of 15, The street he start smoking weed and drinking. He even start robbing people when he shouldn't have to because he has a income. Now his grand mother say she can't handle him anymore and she sent him away to be locked up.But she never thought about what she can do to change his ways.This can affects alot of children.I really don't think that her sending him aways will help him. Whats going to happen is when he turns 18 and get out he is going to feel as if he have no one to run to. He's going to look at his grandmother differnt and he is still going to do the things he been doing because its the only way he no how to survive.

1 comment:

Rena Porter said...

You are bright to observe that kids always look to their biological parents.

However, I understand why old adults take family in and use the money for their own gain.

It's difficult to give children love, attention and the new J's when you can't afford it for yourself.

you're bright what are you doing to give to others; your cousin?
