Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Other Woman involved in abusive relationships such as celebrities

Moving on to the next part of my research has been more and more interesting as I investigate. I recently found out the in the United States more than 5.3 million people have been involved in physical verbal and sexual abuse. Its sad how so many Americans each day go through something so terrible like this. Its a bit disturbing if you ask me.
Not only have normal living people like you and I face these abuses, celebrities too have dealt with the same issue. Celebrities who were part of this problem were singer Christina
Aguilera, who she told US Weekly about she and her mother's abuse with her father. Interviewed by US Weekly the reporter says "she still suffers panic attacks as a result of the abuse. She sings about her experiences in the song, “OK,” which is on her most recent album. She sings, “Bruises fade, father, but the pain remains the same/And I still remember how you kept me so afraid.” I have heard of the victims say that they still have panic attacks, which in cases I can relate and say that if something bad or something you have been through you do have panic attacks from those past incidents. That's just like saying if you were in the Vietnam war, people who are now retired and are older (elderly) have panic attacks of when they were in the war. Same thing here. Just a different situation.

Another celebrities who was involved an abusive relations
hip was no other than Tina Turner. Now everyone knows about the movie "What's Love Got To Do With It" She basically put a movie out about her career as a singer and behind the scenes of her relationship with her ex-husband Ike Turner who is now deceased. Although she went through a horrible struggle somehow some way she became a strong woman by removing herself from the situation. Since then she has learned from the experince and absolutely knows the outcome of it. She has also written books about her relationship and his involved with drugs and financial which led him to abuse her. I feel that reading or watching her movie will help those understand the concept of what is going in theri lives and in hers.

1 comment:

TDoggett said...

I think you did a wonderful job explaining everything celebrities went though in their careers. Your post is grat and i hope you find the answer to your question because I would also like to know . --Tyree D.