Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Final Reflection.. I Finally Made It

My search was successful yet i fail to get a direct answer to my questions. it was very hard to do it. Now that i think about it i don't really think my question has a straight forward answer to it. If it does I failed to answer it. But I have learned so much from all the research I had to do. I learned so much more then the doctor even explains to me about my birth control. It also opened my eyes to new birth control i might want to take in the near future if I decide that I don't want to take the pills anymore.

In my opinion i know i only been taking birth control for 3 months soon to be 4 but i think every female that is sexually active need to invest in taking birth control condom are not 100% anymore. you always have to think about the what ifs. Like what if the condom break what if your sex partner doesn't put the condom on with out you known and he nuts in you then what? You always have to have a back up. Don't get me wrong you still can get pregnant while taken birth control but you have a stronger chance of not getting pregnant by taking birth control, and if your not u have a stronger chance of getting pregnant if the condom break. I personally think it would b safer. Due to the fact there are so many girls walking around here pregnant if they invested in birth control they had a stronger chance of not getting pregnant.

With this new found information and knowledge I have I will use. I will continue to take birth control. So I won't have to worry about being like the rest of the teenager in my generation today. With this information i can be a start to a new story a new start a new life to the younger generation. Show then that it is not ok to get pregnant just because a boy tell you he love you or he wants you to be his baby mother those two lines are normally use so he can have sex with you or try to talk you in to have sex with out a condom. The information open my eyes to a lot. It even showed me that it's ok if i want to in the future to switch birth controls if I am tired of taking the pill.

I have so much good information but like I said in the beginning i failed to get a straight forward answer to my question the only thing i really can do is leave you with this good information until I get a straight forward answer for you. Its going to be really hard because it is some many questions behind my question. So I might need a little more time to get u a straight yes or no.

I am kind of disappointed because I really thought this would be easy and I thought I had this in the bag. I was saying to myself "yea I got this" Im going to have a answer to my question." But here I am at the end of my research with no answer. Maybe this wasn't a real good question because if you think about it all everybody did was give me the opinion. But in there opinion they all said "yes" so maybe my question does have a answer in away. But I am going to further investigate my question to see if I can find a yes or no answer. But I hope you liked all this good information I did find for you, and hopefully you will take this information and use it if you already haven't.. I rather all females be safe then sorry! So be safe and rap it up!

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