Thursday, May 22, 2008

Final Reflection:: Oh Yeah!!!!!

"Finally Found my answer"

I am finally done with my research and I have come to a complete solution. In the beginning I asked What can we do to help a person who's in an abusive relationship, how is it that the person can't seem to leave the relationship? Well the answer for me is here.... The only way to help a victim or a victim to get help is that they have to be willing to come forward and ask for help or let someone offer to help, but if they don't want the help then that's on them. I mean honestly you can't force anyone to do anything if they don't want to do it. But people who are in danger should get the help. Although it is hard to leave and walk away, but you gotta find the courage inside to get up and go even if it kills you, you just have to do it for the sake of you and those around you. If not then that's on those people who don't want the assistants. Now as you know there are stubborn people who just won't let you in on their personal lives, but you as a Friend or a family gotta step in and show them that you need to be involved and that your here to support them.
I've also learned and found out that the abusive relationship starts off from jealousy and also depends on how bad the abusers temper is. There is a lot of people in this world who have a very bad temper and can't seem to control their anger. People like that have a tendency to take their anger and frustration out on people around them. Personally to me I think if you have problems and your mad don't take your problems out on others keep that to yourself don't get mad at someone else because you had a bad day. That's a reason for an abusive relationship to begin.
Another reason is because the abuser may have consumed drugs or maybe they have an addiction and your trying your best to help them out with it. With them begin under the influence of drugs or in other words "high" they also can act very horrible as in hitting you just because they feel like it and or they might misinterpreted what you have said and just hit you.
In the end I have been very well excited about learning the behind the scenes of "The Abusive Relationship" and have found some important information on this topic. I feel that my research will and can help those who don't know anything about it or need advice for it. This can be very helpful to them because it was for me!!!!!1!!

The End

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