Thursday, May 22, 2008

Something That came to mind when researching

Homosexuality has to be genetic. I say this because there is alot of racist people that discriminate against homosexuals. Gay people really go throw alot, They get talked about, They get mean stares when they go places, and they get treated really badly. What person in there right mind would really want to put thierselves in a situation where they get treated unfairly just because of whom they choose to love or be with. My personal opinion on the whole situation is that people have their own mind they should be able to choose who they want to be with without anyone judging them or making them feel like their no good. I understand why people say homosexuality is a sin, but only god should be able to judge. If im not mistaking to abuse someone just because of their life style is also a sin.

1 comment:

big_kat said...

I agree with this blog for the simple fact is that i know people who are gay and i also know people who treat gay people bad. Im not the one who would judge either or because your right people have their own opinon about gay lifestyles, and if you judge someone because of the life they choose to live your obligated to be judged yourself.